Here is a presentation of FET's board members. Each board member is responsible for pursuing the association's interests in a certain area.

Tilda Mårtensson
As president of FET, I am responsible for the board's work being carried out correctly. I convene the board members for weekly meetings and the association's members for a general meeting every semester. I am also responsible for publishing the section's weekly newsletter, which comes out every Monday during the academic year!
Contact me if you have any questions about the section's activities or have any general concerns!
073 - 718 72 14
I am the one who takes care of the association's finances. This involves receiving payments at events, paying invoices for the same as well as declaring and making annual accounts. I am also responsible for applying for grants so that we can do a lot of fun things during the year. If you have any questions or concerns, just get in touch.
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Gabriel Holén
As head of alumni, I mediate contact between the ES section's students and alumni (that is ES students who graduated). During the year, various activities are organized where students have the opportunity to be inspired by alumni, among others an alumni program is organized.
If you have questions, concerns or suggestions on how alumni activities can be improved, please contact me!
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Elias Strindlund
As sports manager, my task is to create opportunities for the students at energy systems to play sports. This through ES sports on the weekends and try-on events all year round. I am also responsible for the training department, which helps me organize fun events with variety. If you feel you have a fun idea, let me know and hopefully it will be possible to organize!
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Agnes Holmlund
If you have an idea for something fun that you want to implement but don't know who on the board you should contact or have any questions about what we are doing in the association, please contact me.
As information administrator, I am responsible, among other things, for writing minutes at board meetings, keeping an extra eye on the association's website, and producing templates for documents. I also take care of our profile products and am happy to receive ideas for new products you want!
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Emma Thorman
As internationally responsible for the ES section, I keep the students informed about what international opportunities are available at Uppsala University and SLU. Examples of these opportunities are exchange studies, minor field studies (MFS) and internships abroad. Do you want to know more about being internationally responsible, or interested in abroad? Feel free to contact me.
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Maja Smed
Together with ES other club master and our klubbverk, we are responsible for most of the social events that we have together in the association. If you have any fun ideas for things you want to do or are wondering about an upcoming event, please contact us!
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Line Altzen
Together with ES other club master and our klubbverk, we are responsible for most of the social events that we have together in the association. If you have any fun ideas for things you want to do or are wondering about an upcoming event, please contact us!
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August Engqvist
As head of corporate relations, I am responsible for marketing of the program toward both students and companies. The purpose of my work is to promote contact between students and business to create a more dynamic and rewarding study time.
We continuously hold various events to strengthen the relationship between students and business. If your company has questions or is interested in meeting our lovely students, just get in touch. If you, as a student, have questions or wishes about events, or are just interested in applying to Energy Systems in the future you are also welcome to contact me!
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Karin Wedman
As chairman of the student council, I have as my main task to conduct a dialogue between the students on the energy systems program, the student unions at the respective universities and its program council in all matters relating to the education. Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or concerns.
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Maximilian Bonde
My role as head of student welfare means that I work to ensure that everyone at ES has as good and rewarding a study period as possible. Every time YOU feel that your study time is negatively affected by something, I am the one you should turn to. It could be that a teacher is unfair or sexist, the room you sit in is always too cold, or anything else that you should change in order for YOUR study time to be as good as possible! I have professional secrecy as I am the section's security representative so don't hesitate to come and talk to me. As mentioned I'm here for YOU and whatever it is you can turn to me.
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